Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday cruzin

Wow, what a wonderful ride. Great to ride the fast paceline, wish we did it more often. My Garmin kept powering down. so, I do not have great data on the whole ride. I do know that yesterday I attacked the park hills and got HR into VO2Max twice. Today Greg had a helluva pull returning to the Burg. I was high end LT just holding on. Great sprint into town.

Sorry I will miss the mayhem in the park. Gotta go get a new laptop and then hit Capial Ale for my weekly $1.50 cheese burger. Oh and a couple 20 oz dogfish head ipa. Those thing will HURT me. I love Monday at Capital Ale, buck fidy meal and I leave with a $50 bill, how does that happen?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

6X6 LTs put me over the edge.

OK, maybe I managed to super compensate on Tuesday. On Thursday I only managed a super colapse. Notice the fade on sets 5&6. I kept waiting for the extra burst of energy. It didn't come. On the up side, I stuck to the plan, and finished the last set. Bill, I hope this pays off as much in mid season speed and strength as it hurts today.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ride in the park to talk about 4X10s

MAN! This workout routine is tough. So, yesterday was 10 minute tempo then 4 sets of 10 minutes at lt. Once again, I forgot to add a five minute rest between Tempo and first LT so, I went with it. Sets two and three were very rough. I thought if I tried to alternate cadence I could "trick" my legs into liking it. Ha! next - fourth set. Maybe I will stop and rest. Skip fourth rep. No way, gotta stick it out. Five minute in, all of a sudden POW! I felt great! Went harder, with less effort, counter-intuitive. Oh well, I went with it. Then today, i'm hitting the park for a little more than easy.

I'm looking like a dream sickle in my orange and white on my new hot orange steel Lemond. Feeling good, looking better (if I do say so myself). The BWR fellas are out in FORCE! I stop and chat at top of hill. Coach Willie seez, I super compensated. WOW, I didn't know I had anything super in me. Don't do it in training to often. But, I SUPER-COMPENSATED. Isn't that how to make corn liqour? hmmmm.

Legs are feeling good, tomorrow is 6X6 LT, then, I slide into a mellow recovery week. I plan on following the recovery plan.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

4X10 LTs felt good (at first)

OK, I realize I'm a month behind the BWR boys and, the 2X20s are even more brutal. That said, the 4X10s were no cake walk.

I programed the Garmin workout and once again, left the 5 minute recovery out between the Tempo and 1st LT. So, I kinda did a 20 minute high Tempo to high LT to start. I was maintaining a cadence around 80-82, HR at 150-152. I decided to try and mix things up so, set #2 I went for a bigger gear, higher cadence, similar HR. I maintained 85-87, at 149-152. Felt good but, the cadence was hard to hold in the waining minute. Set #3 - back to 80 RPM, felt hard, leg dead and tired. Rest 5 minutes, sweet ! Set #4, I'm hurting, is this really worth it? Five minutes in, 5 to go, holding 83-85 RPM at 150-153 BPM. Then, BANG! HR drops5 beats, legs feel good, I jacked up the cadence, added some resitance, got the HR up to 155 - 157 for next 3 minutes, then faded slightly. All in all, very good workout. I liked varying the cadence. Legs hirt like crazy. This is how I shoulda felt after DDTT. I might go do the Canal TT just for the halibut.

BTW, Sunday was great. BWR has a great organization. It is nice that you guys ride with us. If you want, we could start helping with your team tactics. Renegades go out for a minute or two, BWR chases, Renegades could attack with flyers, BWR real us in,...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Hard workouts

Well, I lost sight of my priorities and worked late Tuesday. Unfortunately, that meant no 4X10 LTs. Instead, I hit em on Wednesday. Then Thursday, I hit 5X6 LTs, and did an easy spin today. Legs are feeling good.

Man! I can't wait for some 60 degree riding days.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dismal performance Dash


I've got my work ahead of me. check out the charts. At least I had a relatively constant effort. Just not hard enough. My LT is 140 to 160, my avg was 149, I think I need to hit 153 - 157 during a TT. Another tactical error; I had Beats Per Minute and Cadance called up on my bike computer. As I rode, I kept watch on my heart rate and eased off when it hit 152ish. I think, in hind sight, that I should call up speed in place of cadance. Then, shoot for speed vice Heart Rate. As long as HR doesn't start red-lining.

For those who missed this event. It was well organized. The best in Virginia one might say. I am partial due to the sponsor team being AAB. The weather on the other hand was tough. Raining in showers at times (most my first leg) and 43 degrees. Up side; wind was low.

Lesson Learned:

Warm up - great plan, get to LT a couple times, stay at high endurance for a while. I should have timed it to end closer to my start time. I ended up being about 20 minutes early.

Mental plan - I made a plan and stuck to it. To a fault. I felt better than planned, I should have adapted plan on the fly and increased HR zone by three to five beats.

TT is like unrolling a large roll of carpet. It kept me in the right frame. I did have extra juice at the end and began using it 4-5 miles out.

Season is young. Remind myself I am coming back from an eight year hiatus. I will not be in top form for another few months. Stick to the plan. The evil mind of Coach Bill will get me where I need to be.

Monday, March 9, 2009

What a nice day!

Sunday is long steady distance (LSD) day. The Renegades were sleeping off hangovers or recovering from week one of shift work so, I headed out to enjoy the day.

This time, I managed to stay down in fat burning range most the time. I did the White Oak loop then headed out Massaponax way. It is very hard for a big feller to keep HR low climbing the FCC hill. Had a couple mechanical issues to tend to, turned at Jackson Shrine, rolled home a a bit higher pace, all-in-all a very pleasant ride.

Note: second sunny day, spent mostly in TT position, tops of arms are a bit burned. Feels better than wind burn from all the 30 degree rides tho.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday with Hammer Jack Rabbit Flash

Clubber called it!


Me and Jack hit the hills. I was on the renegade rocket. Stayed in the TT position for at least 80% of this ride. Dismal Dash TT is next Sunday, I'm feeling very good in the TT position. I hope that translates to a good time in Chesepeake. ( Here's the link to Va Cycling races (

Bill, the sched you sent has the DDTT two weeks off. Should I just do the workouts in week two (preceeding the TT)? With this weather, it feels so frigging good to get out and ride.

Jack, you are getting strong! concentrate on pedalling in circles when you're going hard. You might think it costs you speed at first but, it will pay huge dividends.

For the rest of you renegades, we'll see you out there next week. Maybe.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Easy week, ha!

I've read it in other posts. Staying in endurance zone while riding outside by yourself is hard. I did a couple loops on base on the TT set up. Gotta say, I felt great. That said, I probably went too hard, and will tomorrow as well.

Looks like me and Jack will be hitting the Stafford - White Oak loop.

"I predict Pain."

Clubber Lang, Rocky III

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lemond Tet de contre la montre

That's right Baby, the Tet has gone aero. The bull horns, bar end shifters, aero bars, HED wheels (not on trainer of course) are all set. So an hour forty-five minutes later, I can say, it is comfy. Time will tell if it is fast. Could be a problem with coupling a diesel engine to a Ferrari chassis.

So, I got my endurance in the TT position. I think a couple cm bump forward on the saddle position is due.

Abreiviated Saturday renegadless Renegade ride

Apparently, Gus, Joe (Jose) and Jack don't like drafting behind a 225lb diesel that hasn't showered in a while. Actually, Gus mentioned opening day at the new Stafford Horse pistol. Anyway, my riding buddy from Quantico showed up. He is rehabbing a ACL which he blew out coachin' soccer. We avoided the Dump loop, and hit the White Oak ride. Got some smooth pulling in and, some hammered up the couple of hills